Registration Open for Funded Project Areas


Engineering Underway for Jefferson North

We’ve turned the corner and jumping into a new year with fiber engineering underway for customers in our Jefferson North grant area.

Engineering contractors have been in the field surveying more than 100 miles of planned fiber for Jefferson North. You may see contractors out and about surveying utility poles or plotting underground pathways for fiber to the home.


Registrations for Jefferson North have been strong from the start. We currently have 55% of customers registered! Remember: There is no charge for fiber construction to the home for the first 60% of sign-ups, so if someone you know qualifies, please let them know registration is open and FREE! After the 60% threshold is reached a $750 construction cost-share applies.


Just south of the Jefferson North area, construction bids are out for the Olympic Fiber Corridor and Inbetweens grant zones, and contractor selection begins soon! Olympic Fiber and The Inbetweens are our first (and largest) grant areas. Construction is underway with the first connections beginning February of 2024. 


We anticipate Jefferson North construction to be underway in the second half of 2024. Buildout begins with PUD line crews hanging mainline fiber overhead along arterial roadways, followed by contractor crews completing underground fiber and buried fiber to the home. Estimated completion of the Jefferson North project is July of 2025.


Please encourage your friends and neighbors on the fence (or not in the know) to register now online at:, or call our customer service team at 360-385-5800 9am-4:30pm M-F to register over the phone. Once construction begins, registration will fill up quickly!


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