Registration Open for Funded Project Areas


Eager Inbetweeners: October Fiber Update

First off, many thanks to the folks in the Inbetweens Fiber Project Area. Your area saw the strongest wave of signups from the start, and it has kept on strong until the present.

We are currently at 55% of available homes and businesses registered. 60% is the goal and it’s the cutoff for free installation. If you know anyone on the fence or out of the loop, make sure to encourage them to sign up now online at:, or call our customer service team at 360-385-5800 9am-4:30pm M-F to sign up over the phone. After the 60% quota is met, all subsequent registrants will have to pay $750 to have PUD fiber installed to the home (or $20 extra per month for 3 years if you want to spread it out).

We are still planning to begin construction in the Inbetweens grant area in 2024. We’re even still hoping to complete construction in 2024. We’ve had multiple delays getting started on our first project area (the Olympic Fiber Corridor) and it’s backed up all subsequent projects. That said, most of the fiber that will supply Inbetweens customers will be installed to serve the Olympic Fiber Corridor. So once that project is complete, you all should be next in the summer and fall of 2024. 

Initial site visits and surveys have been paused for now and we will be in touch after the New Year with more information about when we’ll be coming to your home.

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